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Hot Wheels, the popular toy car manufacturer, is launching a new initiative called "Sidewalk Speedway." This program aims to encourage children to get outside and play creatively with their Hot Wheels cars on their neighborhoods' sidewalks.

With the increasing popularity of video games and digital entertainment, children are spending less time playing outdoors. Hot Wheels wants to change that by promoting imaginative play and active lifestyles. Through the Sidewalk Speedway initiative, Hot Wheels hopes to bring back the joy of playing with toy cars outdoors.

Sidewalk Speedway encourages children to create their own race tracks on the sidewalks using chalk.


This not only fosters creativity and problem-solving skills but also provides a safe and accessible way for children to enjoy playing with their Hot Wheels cars. Kids can use various colored chalks to mark out their race tracks, create twists and turns, and even incorporate ramps and jumps for added excitement.

To support this initiative, Hot Wheels has partnered with world-renowned professional skateboarder and TV personality, Tony Hawk. Hawk believes that playing with Hot Wheels cars is an excellent way for children to develop their imagination and build confidence. He expressed his excitement about the Sidewalk Speedway initiative and hopes that it will inspire more children to play outside and embrace their creative side.


Through Sidewalk Speedway, Hot Wheels is not only encouraging children to play outside but also nurturing a sense of community. Kids can invite their friends and neighbors to participate in races or design their own unique race tracks together. By sharing their creations, they can inspire each other and create a sense of camaraderie among neighborhood children.

To promote the Sidewalk Speedway initiative, Hot Wheels has launched a social media campaign using the hashtag #SidewalkSpeedway. They encourage parents and children to share pictures and videos of their chalk race tracks and creative designs on various social media platforms.


This not only allows participants to showcase their creations but also spreads the message to a wider audience, inspiring more children to join in on the fun.

With the launch of Sidewalk Speedway, Hot Wheels aims to reignite the joy of playing with toy cars and foster active and creative play. By bringing the racing experience to the sidewalks, children can develop their motor skills, problem-solving abilities, and imagination. So, put down the video games and grab your Hot Wheels cars – it's time to hit the Sidewalk Speedway!

