Curious Assemblage: My Peculiar Collection of Skulls and Bizarre Artefacts | INKED


In the article "I Collect Human Skulls and Other Oddities," the author discusses their unique hobby of collecting unusual and macabre items. The main focus of their collection is human skulls, which they find fascinating and appreciate for their historical and cultural significance.

The article begins by providing some background on the author's interest in collecting, explaining that they have always had a fascination with the obscure and unusual. As they delved deeper into their hobby, they discovered a particular fascination with human skulls. They were drawn to the idea that each skull had its own story to tell, representing a unique individual and offering a glimpse into the past.


The author describes their collection process, emphasizing that all of the items in their collection are legally obtained. They explain that they acquire skulls through a variety of means, from purchasing them from reputable dealers to finding legally sourced specimens online. They are careful to ensure that all of their acquisitions comply with the law and ethical guidelines of collecting such items.

